In this episode we discuss the topical therapies used in the management of skin disease. We explore the differences between creams, lotions, gels, foams and ointments. Dr Blake Mumford and Dr Anneliese Willems discuss the finer points of how and when to use each topical treatment with guest expert Dr Sarah Brennand. We also explore common myths about topical corticosteroids and troubleshoot common questions as to their use.
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Dr Sarah Brennand
Dr Sarah Brennand is a dermatologist at Austin Health and the Skin Health Institute. Her interests include general dermatology and skin cancer assessment in transplant recipients and other patients who are immunosuppressed. Sarah has been teaching dermatology trainees about topical therapies for 12 years and has also been invited to speak on topical therapies at GP workshops at the Skin Health Institute.
SHI Clinics: Skin Cancer Assessment & Transplant
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