Healthy Volunteer Clinical Trial

Healthy volunteers aged 18 years or older, may qualify to donate up to 40mls of blood (equivalent to 3 tablespoons). The purpose of this research is to establish new bioassays (tests) that will support research and development of novel (new) biological therapies designed to target cancer, inflammatory, cardiovascular and Bleeding disorders (e.g. haemophilia).

To be eligible, participants must be 18 years or older and believe themselves to be HIV and Hepatitis B & C negative. Qualified participants may be asked to donate blood at regular intervals. Visits will take place at Skin Health Institute with an experienced research team. There is no cost to participate, and participants will be reimbursed for study-related expenses.

Approved by the Victorian Minister for Health under section 40 of the Human Tissue Act 1982.

For more information, please contact:

Principal Investigator
A/Prof Peter Foley

Sub Investigator
Dr Nisal Punchihewa
t: 9623 9464
e: [email protected] 

Study Coordinator
Desiree Green
t: 9623 9416
e: [email protected]

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