Adults aged 18 years and older with a clinical diagnosis of non-segmental vitiligo for at least 3 months, may qualify for this clinical research trial and receive investigational oral treatment (active study drug) or placebo.

Eligible participants must have body surface area (BSA) involvement of 4%-60% inclusive, and 0.5% or more involvement on the face. Either active or stable disease non segmental vitiligo is accepted.
Individuals must agree to stop all other treatments for vitiligo from screening through the final follow up visit.

Participants will have regular visits with an experienced research team. There is no cost to participate, and participants will be reimbursed for study-related expenses.
Individuals will be asked to visit the study centre about 11 times over a period of about 60 weeks.

For further information on the study, please follow the link: 

A 52-Week Study of Ritlecitinib Oral Capsules in Adults and Adolescents With Vitiligo (Active and Stable) – Full Text View –


For more information, please contact:

Principal Investigator
Dr Michelle Rodrigues

Sub Investigators
Dr Nisal Punchihewa
t: 9623 9464
e: [email protected]

A/Prof Peter Foley
t: 9623 9431
e: [email protected]

Study Coordinator
Tracy Mallett
p: 9623 9406

e: [email protected]


Adults aged 18 years and older with a clinical diagnosis of non-segmental vitiligo for at least 3 months, may qualify for this clinical research trial and receive investigational oral treatment (active study drug) or placebo.

Eligible participants must have body surface area (BSA) involvement of 4%-60% inclusive, and 0.5% or more involvement on the face. Either active or stable disease non segmental vitiligo is accepted.
Individuals must agree to stop all other treatments for vitiligo from screening through the final follow up visit.

Participants will have regular visits with an experienced research team. There is no cost to participate, and participants will be reimbursed for study-related expenses.
Individuals will be asked to visit the study centre about 11 times over a period of about 60 weeks.

For further information on the study, please follow the link: 

A 52-Week Study of Ritlecitinib Oral Capsules in Adults and Adolescents With Vitiligo (Active and Stable) – Full Text View –


For more information, please contact:

Principal Investigator
Dr Michelle Rodrigues

Sub Investigators
Dr Nisal Punchihewa
t: 9623 9464
e: [email protected]

A/Prof Peter Foley
t: 9623 9431
e: [email protected]

Study Coordinator
Tracy Mallett
p: 9623 9406
e: [email protected]

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