The COVID-19 virus is deadly. It is insidious, and it is going to be with us for a very long time. How do we continue to provide a clinical service in the grips of a pandemic? What are the cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19? How common are these cutaneous manifestations? What does it mean when a patient presents with perniosis in this time? What about our patients who are immunosuppressed on biologics, what do we do with them?
These are complex and difficult questions, and to help us answer these, we are very fortunate to have with us two eminent dermatologists from the USA, Professor Kanade Shinkai from UCSF and Dr Esther Freeman from Harvard.
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Professor Kanade Shinkai is the Professor of Clinical Dermatology and faculty member of the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Department of Dermatology. Kanade specializes in medical dermatology. She is passionate about medical education and now serves as the vice-chair for education for that department. She’s also the current editor-in-chief of JAMA Dermatology.

Dr Esther Freeman trained as an epidemiologist with a PhD from the London School of Tropical Medicine, as well as being a dermatologist. Currently, Esther is the director of Global Health Dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, the chair of the Clinical Guidelines Committee at the American Academy of Dermatology, and a member of the AAD COVID-19 Task Force. She directs the COVID-19 Dermatology Registry, which is an international effort with over 1,000 cases from 40 countries. She has published seminal papers on the cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19.
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