Clinic Overview
The clinic’s multi-disciplinary approach offers dermatologists and their patients a comprehensive service encompassing expert opinion, patient support and education, and specialised treatments.
This clinic provides a valuable resource for dermatologists and a source of hope for vitiligo sufferers and their families.
Clinic Schedule
This clinic is held monthly on a Friday.
Referrals to the Vitiligo Clinic, for adult cases, can be made by phoning the Institute or visit the Patient Referrals page for more information.
Enquiries about the clinic can also be made by phone on 03 9623 9400 or via email: [email protected]
Prior to their consultation, patients complete a questionnaire online (or on a copy sent by post). On arrival they will receive an information package about vitiligo, its treatments and support group resources through an easy-to-read brochure and video presentation. They will then see a nurse for a standardised examination and assessment. Next, their condition will be accurately recorded by digital photography. Finally, with all clinical information and images available, patients will receive management advice from the dermatologist.
GPs can refer patients to this clinic. Patients may have either:
- common vitiligo, and are seeking treatment optimisation, specialised treatments and support services
- stable leucoderma (such as segmental vitiligo, piebaldism, hypopigmented scars, or naevus depigmentosus) and are seeking cellular grafting service.
Patients may also benefit from access to the following services:
- epidermal cellular grafting service (only once their condition has become stable, i.e. non-progressive for at least 12 months)
Australia’s first dedicated non-cultured epidermal cellular grafting service will enable patients to have a single-day procedure using a novel technique for re-pigmentation of the skin. A success rate of over 80% applies for “non auto-immune” leucoderma. For stable auto-immune vitiligo the success rate is 70% (these patients will first need to be assessed in the regular Clinic for disease stability).
The technique involves the preparation of a cellular suspension, following trypsinisation of donor skin, which is then applied to the laser-ablated leucoderma. An area up to 10 times the size of the donor site can be treated.
- Excimer therapy
The Skin Health Institute now has a new Excimer 308 ready for use for patients with vitiligo. This ultraviolet hand-held light machine is an established treatment for vitiligo and provides similar outcomes to narrowband UVB therapy but does so 4-5 times more rapidly than standard phototherapy. This enables fewer treatment sessions while avoiding tanning of the surrounding skin. As is the case with all lasers, the cost of treatment will be partly dependent on the size of the area to be treated.
- Camouflage advice
- Psychological counselling
All patients will be required to complete a quality-of-life survey (DLQI) and 10-item psychological distress scale (K10). According to these assessments, patients may be advised to consult with a psychologist or psychiatrist.